INCREASE EYESIGHT (Increases health and strength, but reduces
your speed)
2 x RASGON - Grind and heat
2 x IGELE -- Normal and heat
1 x ACRUS -- Mix and heat
2 x RASGON - Grind and heat
2 x AROLIG - Normal and heat
1 x ACRUS -- Mix and heat
INCREASE WISDOM (Reduces eyesight)
2 x RASGON -- Grind and heat
2 x HALORUS - Cut and condense
1 x ACRUS --- Mix and heat
2 x RASCON - Grind and heat
2 x ULIN --- Mix and heat
1 x ACRUS -- Grind and condense
Cast the following spell on dragon:
2 * Rasgon-rind and heat
2 * Churl-normal and heat
3 * Arolig-normal, heat and �/4 condense
2 * Mionacal-grind and condense
7 * Haloros-cut and condense
7 * Igele-normal and heat
2 * Churl-normal and heat
1 * Acrus-mix and heat
Although this uses up a lot of ingredients, it makes your dragon unbeatable in a duel and devastating when attacking villages - it can kill over 1000 people in any one attack! The dragon will have full speed, strength, wisdom, eyesight and health.
Place two eggs in incubation on full heat. Look in books at ongoing battles, then record them on paper; now go to the map of Anrea. Send your dragon to a town with a population of about 900 on a conquer and keep mission (Hanmon / Olom are good). Do not buy anything from the traders yet. End your turn.
Go to the map of Anrea, then return the dragon to the lair and inspect conquered villages and towns. Cast the following spell on town:
3 * Tius-normal and heat
4 * Churl-normal and heat
2 * Acrus-grind and condense
1 * Churf-normal and heat
This spell should make the village or town into a city with over 1000 inhabitants. If more churl is added it will become even bigger, always remember to calm the mixture down if it becomes too potent; chife is very useful. Raise the taxes to full and repeat the spell if desired., perhaps twice. Check in the library to see if your dragon is guarding a piece of the talisman. If he is note the name of the town or city. End your turn.
Forget about the city, it should grow without your help, sprouting towns all by itself. Meanwhile, send out your mega-dragon to beat up other towns. For example if your city is at war with someone else, go out and kill that village or town. If any town with a population greater than 1000 is at war, send your dragon on a return after task mission to conquer the enemies. The reward depends on how badly the enemy has been hit. With this dragon, the whole town is usually knocked out completely, with huge loss of life - sometimes the whole population is wiped out!
Once dragons have hatched, try to find a trader who can sell you the right ingredients for a mega-dragon. Keep using spells on new towns formed from the original, soon you could have as many as 30 tax-giving cities.It's possible to have an income of up to 1000 gelds per month. With this sort of income you're sailing. Watch the health of your dragons, and, unless you know of any good spells for eggs or humans, don't waste ingredients on them. Soon you should have an invincible army of eight mega-dragons. If you attack all the other townes, the other two players are in trouble.
Although the training missions are easy, they are usually a waste of time. Just set zeal to medium and you can easily remove on average village. If zeal is set to high super-dragons usually wipe out the townes they are attacking, instead of just conquering them.
Never avoid other player's dragons a you can always beat the hell out of them and sometimes kill them - but keep your eye out for enemy dragons.
Soon you may be able to buy ingredients in enormous quantities; your maximum is 99.
CHURL ---- A useful ingredient for growth of towns/dragons. Buy as
much as possible taking egg costs into account
HALOROS -- Wisdom
IGELE ---- Eyesight
MIONACAL - Health (never use Fanveer)
AROLIG --- Speed
RASGON --- Dragon director
TIUS ----- Town director
ACRUS ---- Power increaser
CHIFE ---- Power decreaser